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How to view a project

This guide explains the different ways to view project details in RaiseHub

Viewing Projects from the Landing Page

Highlighted and New Projects

The landing page features two lists of projects:

  1. Highlighted Projects: These are the projects closest to reaching their funding goals.
  2. New Projects: These are the most recently added projects.

To view the details of a project, click on any project from these lists.

Click on a project from New Projects in the landing page

Viewing Projects via the Table

At the bottom of the landing page, there is a table displaying all available projects. The table includes options for filtering and sorting projects.

To view a project from the table, click on the project’s card.
Click on a project from the table with filters in the landing page

To view additional projects, use the pagination controls at the bottom of the table. Click the "Next Page" button on the right to load more projects.
View more projects by clicking on the pagination buttons

Filtering and Sorting Projects

The table allows users to refine the project list using filters:

  • Percentage Funded: Filter projects by how much funding they have received.
  • Type (Category): Filter by project category.
  • Sorting Method: Sort projects based on criteria such as funding progress or creation date.

Apply filters to narrow down the projects displayed in the table.
Applying filters to the table

Searching for Projects

To search for specific projects, use the search bar at the top of the page:

  1. Type part of the project name in the search bar. For example, type “gard” to find gardening-related projects.
    Looking for projects by typing the name in the search bar
  2. Click the Search button or press the Enter key to display matching projects.
    Click on the Search button or press the Enter key
  3. View the search results, which include projects containing "gard" in their names.
    Search results for "gard"

Viewing Project Details

When you click on a project, you will be redirected to the project’s detail page. This page includes:

  • The project's description.
  • The total amount of money raised.
  • The funding goal.

Project page

Use this page to explore the project in detail and decide whether to contribute.