Back-end pipeline diagram
The diagram illustrates a CI/CD pipeline process involving multiple stages:
Code Submission:
- Developers write code on their local PC and push it to a GitHub server.
Java CI with Gradle:
- Build: The Java project is built using Gradle.
- Test: The application is tested to ensure code quality and functionality.
SonarQube Analyze:
- Build: The code undergoes a build process for analysis.
- Analysis: SonarQube analyzes the code for bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells.
- **Quality
Docker Image CI:
- Build: The pipeline builds the Docker image.
- Build Docker Image: The Docker image is built.
- Push Image to Docker Hub: The built Docker image is pushed to Docker Hub for storage.
Final Outcome:
- If all steps succeed (Docker, Gradle, and SonarQube checks), the pipeline passes ✅.
- If any step fails, the pipeline fails ❌.
- In case any of the steps fails, all the next jobs are skipped and the pipeline fails.