Front-end pipeline diagram
End to End Testing:
- Pull and Run Database Docker Image: The Docker image for the database is pulled and ran in order to set up the environment.
- Pull and Run Back-end Docker Image: The Docker image for the back-end is pulled and ran in order to set up the environment.
- Frontend build and run: The frontend is built and ran in order to set up the environment.
- Run Cypress: Cypress is ran in order to test the application using the end-to-end testing strategy.
Docker Image CI:
- Build: The pipeline builds the Docker image.
- Build Docker Image: The Docker image is built.
- Push Image to Docker Hub: The built Docker image is pushed to Docker Hub for storage.
Final Outcome:
- If all steps succeed (End-to-End Testing, Docker), the pipeline passes ✅.
- If any step fails, the pipeline fails ❌.
- In case any of the steps fails, all the next jobs are skipped and the pipeline fails.