WebSockets Implementation
This documentation outlines how WebSocket communication is used to manage project notifications in the application in the Front-end side.
Back-end websockets implementation
Install StompJS dependency
Install the dependency by using the following command:
npm i @stomp/stompjs
1. Subscribing to Project Topics
When a user logs in, the system automatically subscribes them to all WebSocket topics corresponding to the projects they own. This ensures they receive real-time notifications for payments related to their projects.
const setupStompClient = (projectIds) => {
const client = new Client({
brokerURL: 'ws://localhost:8080/ws', // WebSocket endpoint
reconnectDelay: 5000, // Attempt reconnection every 5 seconds
heartbeatIncoming: 4000, // Heartbeat for incoming messages
heartbeatOutgoing: 4000, // Heartbeat for outgoing messages
client.onConnect = () => {
projectIds.forEach((projectId) => {
client.subscribe(`/projectws/${projectId}`, (data) => {
onPaymentReceived(data); // Handle received payments
client.activate(); // Activate the WebSocket connection
setStompClient(client); // Save the client instance for further use
2. Publishing Payments to Topics
When a user makes a payment, the system publishes the payment details to the WebSocket topic associated with the project. For example, a payment for a project with ID 1
is sent to /projectws/1
const sendMessage = (newMessage) => {
if (!stompClient) {
console.error("WebSocket client not initialized");
const payload = {
id: uuidv4(), // Unique identifier for the message
to: newMessage.to, // Project ID (topic destination)
title: newMessage.title, // Title of the payment
description: newMessage.description, // Description of the payment
destination: `/projectws/${payload.to}`, // Publish to the project's topic
body: JSON.stringify(payload), // Serialize the payload
3. Receiving Notifications
If the project owner is online and subscribed to the corresponding WebSocket topic, they will receive a real-time notification. Notifications are displayed as a toast in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
const onPaymentReceived = (data) => {
const toastMsg = JSON.parse(data.body); // Parse the received message
// Display the notification
title: `${toastMsg.title}`,
description: `${toastMsg.description}`,
Example Notification:
The notification appears as a toast message, as shown below: